There are invading Viking conquerors on your shores and you have to defend yourself in this pretty awesome online game. There seems to be no end to the invading ships approaching your shores so you must ready yourself for battle. You have your able wizards plus the valiant hero character you play as
There are invading Viking conquerors on your shores and you have to defend yourself in this pretty awesome online game. There seems to be no end to the invading ships approaching your shores so you must ready yourself for battle. You have your able wizards plus the valiant hero character you play as, but will your magic and sorcery be enough against the powerful Vikings? The wizards occupy a castle on the seaboard and are very intelligent with have superior powers which will be to your advantage in this puzzle game. The wizards of the same class wear the same color and in order to shoot and kill the invading Vikings you have to tap tiles with wizards of the same color to make them shoot out balls of power. You make combo attacks when you tap on a large number of wizards with the same color at once and listen to the cries from the Viking they take down. Keep tapping like colored tiles and click on the canon to level an entire row of Vikings till all the invaders are killed as you play this cool free game. It’s safe for boys and girl to play
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