Mr trump doesn’t have a lot of fans and his presidency has been surrounded by many controversies. However you feel about him, you can’t go around beating up the president of the United States no matter how much you do not like him. He has too much security! So what can you do whenever you feel riled
Mr trump doesn’t have a lot of fans and his presidency has been surrounded by many controversies. However you feel about him, you can’t go around beating up the president of the United States no matter how much you do not like him. He has too much security! So what can you do whenever you feel riled up by his polices? Play this online game instead! Square up and take out all your anger and disappointment on the president. Step into the presidential boxing ring and land several well aimed punches at his smug face. You can beat him up as much as you want to in this first person fighting game and shut him up once and for all. This cool game is part of the celeb brawl games that are much fun to play. You will feel so much better afterwards. It’s a fun parody game to let you blow off steam so don’t take it seriously and attempt to actually hurt the president. You could end up in jail.
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