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Wrestle Up


Wrestle Up Description

Games » Sport Games » Wrestling » Wrestle Up
Wrestle Up

Wrestle Up Game

Wrestling up is a game developed for two players or one player against the AI. The game visuals follow the same as the favorite sport, with uniforms and a ring similar to the real-life ones. The objective is to get your opponent to touch the ropes. The game is also a 3D game

Wrestle Up Game

Wrestling up is a game developed for two players or one player against the AI. The game visuals follow the same as the favorite sport, with uniforms and a ring similar to the real-life ones. The objective is to get your opponent to touch the ropes. The game is also a 3D game developed in Unity, and while it only features two character models and one level, the models are fully animated and have physical properties like weight. The game has a high replay value despite its simplistic looks and controls.

Play Wrestle Up Online - Controls

The keys for each player lets you move your character around and jump.
  • Player 1 -  the arrow keys control the character and P makes you push. 
  • Player 2 - moves with the WASD keys and pushes with T.

Wrestling Up Levels and Players

The game features only one level, with the two characters in the middle grabbing the other by the hands. The level is very simplistic: it’s a square fighting ring, and the ropes in every side destroys your character as soon as it touches them.

Wrestling Up Online Free Tips and Tricks

  • Try to be the one who moves its opponent closes to the ropes first. It’s harder to recover once you’re near them.
  • The physic properties in the game make it possible to use momentum to your advantage. Try to throw your opponent around.
  • The push move can be a double-edged sword. It can give you a boost, but your opponent may be able to use your movement against you, so use it with caution.

How to win Wrestle Up - Strategies

The objective in Wrestle Up is reasonably simple: all you have to do is make your opponent touch the ropes, which results in the character exploding and you winning the round. Each player must win 5 times. An essential skill in this game is to be able to predict your opponent’s moves and take advantage of them to get him closer to the ropes. Another important tactic is to be the first one to push the other towards the ropes. It’s easier to push your enemy in this situation than it is for him to escape.

Modes. Wrestle with AI vs. Wrestling a Real Player

While the game only features one level and two characters, it’s been a very famous game since its release thanks to its simple but fun mechanics and gameplay. One of the most important parts of its success is its two game modes.
  1. The primary game mode is the 2-player mode, where you can compete against a friend using the same keyboard.
  2. The other game mode is for 1 player, and the AI controls the other character. Thanks to the minimalistic nature of the game, the AI can play similarly to another human.

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